As a Mother, your rage might be the most important experience you ever have.

Welcome to The Dark Mother, transformational group journey into the shadowlands of Motherhood.

The Dark Mother is calling.

I want women to know that their experiences of grief, resentment, and rage in Motherhood are not only valid but life-saving. By turning towards these emotions consciously, you can reclaim your creativity, rediscover your identity, and live from a felt sense of power.

By learning to hold the intensity of your rage and recognizing the call to transformation in that energy, you will be able to drop the story that you are failing and find the deeper meaning in your Mothering, the Soul in your self-expression, and the safety you long for in yourself.

What is The Dark Mother?

“She is the voice that says, ‘this way, this way.’” Clarissa Pinkola-Estes

During this course, you will:

  • Learn vital aspects of nervous system regulation to both unravel long-held patterns of perfectionism and harness the power of your instinct.

  • Come to know the meaning of your rage and see it with reverence.

  • Know beyond a shadow of a doubt not only what you need but how to be well, satisfied, and fulfilled.

  • Commit to physical, energetic, and creative practices that will strengthen your compassion and confidence in yourself.

  • Engage with other Mothers who are hungry for their Wild, for their Soul.

  • Learn devotional practices to support your spiritual and erotic health.

  • Emerge from under any resentment and grief renewed and re-connected to your heart and your humanity.

What if your rage is actually a sign you are strong enough to let go of perfection?

As a culture with few, if any, rituals of initiation around Motherhood, this reclamation of wisdom is fraught with grief and frustration, but the biggest obstacle is your willingness to be seen and held in your not-knowing.

Perfectionism is never about our own fulfillment, it is about the approval and fear of judgment of others.

Motherhood as a social and spiritual role requires deep contact with our inner Knowing and developing the capacity to say, "no, that is not for me, that is not me, that is not mine."

All the Details

The Dark Mother is a virtual group course rooted in Somatic Experiencing, Depth Psychology, and expressive arts. This course is limited to 18 women.

What’s Included? Six group sessions, one private session, a library of yoga practices, Somatic Experiencing tools, and curated email support with personalized recommendations for further study and inquiry.

When: Next cohort beginning in the fall of 2024. Join the waitlist to be the first to learn about dates and early bird pricing.

Where: Zoom, link provided upon registration. All sessions are recorded.

Cost: TBD

The Dark Mother is calling…

  • Through this course you will deepen your capacity for intimacy, for rest, and for creative action in your life.

  • Through this course, you will let go of the fear that you are failing and come to know the shape, texture, and flavor of your soul in relationship to Mothering.

  • Through this course, you will come to understand your patterns, recognize what needs are being expressed through them, and how to be more clear, coherent, and authentic in how you get your needs met.

“Once women have lost her and then found her again, they will contend to keep her for good. Once they have regained her, they will fight and fight hard to keep her, for with her their creative lives blossom; their relationships gain meaning and depth and health; their cycles of sexuality, creativity, work, and play are re-established ; they are no longer marks for the predations of others; they are entitled equally under the laws of nature to grow and to thrive. Now their end-of-the-day fatigue comes from satisfying work and endeavors, not from being shut up in too small a mindset, job, or relationship. They know instinctively when things must die and when things must live; they know how to walk away, they know how to stay.”

Clarissa Pinkola-Estes, “Women Who Run With the Wolves